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HOLBA will caretake the streets, keeping them clean, safe & attractive, elevating the experience for everyone. 


Much was achieved and progress made over the last five years, including:

Responded to 30,000 street cleaning issues with the rapid response service

16,777 on-street incidents resolved by the 24/7 security team 

Over 12 months 1,059 items of graffiti removed within 45 minutes

Over 12 months 10,250 fly-posters removed

Over 12 months 1,045 fly-tipping incidences resolved

1.9M pieces of chewing gum removed annually

180 businesses participated in the waste and recycling preferred supplier scheme, saving themselves £257,000 while also significantly increasing levels of recycling

SWOT summary

The summary SWOT indicates the barriers to, and benefits from, investing in services that make the area clean, safe, professionally managed and easier to navigate. However, it faces several challenges and threats. To read the full SWOT analysis, visit the main menu HOLBA area SWOT section.   

  • For the past 20-years HOLBA has successfully delivered an area that is clean, safe, healthy, sustainable and easy to navigate for those that visit, live, trade and work here. 
  • HOLBA has invested significantly in additional security in Leicester Square & Piccadilly Circus District, and whilst reported crime has risen by 17% in the central West End, it fell by 4% in the Heart of London area. 
  • A finite budget and recruitment challenges in the Metropolitan Police Service has resulted in the service being under-resourced in the West End. 
  • The lack of police response has created a high level of apathy amongst the business community to report crime. Consequently, the true level of crime is under-reported and the area under-policed. 
  • Staff, especially shop workers, are daily targets of abuse, threats and attacks. 
  • The impact of over 127,000 visitors per day places disproportionate demands on street services. 
  • The high volume of visitors also attracts criminal activity, particularly theft and shoplifting. 
  • Film premieres, festivals, events and demonstrations generate peak periods, necessitating an enhanced street cleaning and security provision which is not currently resourced. 
  • The Labour government’s commitment to increasing police numbers could contribute to reducing crime and antisocial behaviour in the West End. 
  • Emerging technologies, in particular autonomous vehicles, are a potential opportunity to increase the frequency of street cleaning.  
  • The introduction of a monitored CCTV system could contribute to making Leicester Square & Piccadilly Circus District safer.  
  • Perceptions that the Leicester Square & Piccadilly Circus District is unsafe, in particular after dark, could deter visitors. 
  • Resilience to issues such as extreme weather, cybercrime, protests and demonstrations are increasing threats to businesses and organisations. 
  • High crime rates and antisocial behaviour will continue to harm the reputation of the West End. 

Delivery plan 

Over the next five years HOLBA will focus on:

  • Daytime safety 
  • Night-time safety 
  • Cleaning & street management 
  • Caring for the community 
  • Sustainable management 
  • Resilience support 
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Daytime safety

A key priority for HOLBA is ensuring that the area is among the most inclusive and safe places to visit, live, trade and work. 

Over the next five years HOLBA will: 

  • Provide an on call, rapid assistance 24/7 private security team. 
  • Deliver a crime-reduction strategy and action plan that holds the statutory bodies to account and lobby for increased police presence and patrols. 
  • Operate joint patrols and surveillance with the statutory providers. 
  • Provide and fund a radio network, which enables members to be informed and updated about disturbances or threats and an online crime reporting system to deter and tackle crime. 
  • Collate and share crime intelligence with the local authorities, while partnering with them to implement a community policing approach. 
  • Work with members to implement anti-theft measures and resilience training, ensuring businesses know how to respond to unexpected events. 
  • Explore the use of technology-based solutions such as CCTV cameras and facial recognition software to deter criminals. 
  • Influence public realm designs to ensure crime is designed-out and safety is designed-in. 
  • Provide free training to keep the Leicester Square & Piccadilly Circus District’s residents, staff and visitors safe including content on counterterrorism, welfare and vulnerability and conflict resolution. 
  • Provide a knowledgeable, friendly welcome and offer directions to visitors. 

Night-time safety

HOLBA will actively support safety at night, across public and private streets, spaces and venues and protect quiet enjoyment of residential areas. 

Over the next five years HOLBA will: 

  • Provide an on call, rapid assistance 24/7 private security team. 
  • Deliver Welfare and Vulnerability Engagement (WAVE) and Ask Angela training and support Night Haven services. 
  • Foster partnerships between businesses, property owners, the council and police, with a key focus on prevention, intervention and support. 
  • Establish and raise awareness about “safe spaces” across the district. 
  • Conduct night safety audits, with specific focus on women and people with disabilities. 
  • Actively encourage all businesses to sign up to the Mayor’s Women’s Night Safety Charter and designate a Women’s Night Safety Champion. 
  • Deliver the Best Bar None accreditation scheme, which recognises and celebrates excellent management of evening and night-time venues and offers free advice and guidance.  
  • Retain Purple Flag status for the Heart of London area by working with the entire evening and night-time economy. 
  • Host regular Pub Watch meetings for all businesses, the police and local council, with the aim of helping to achieve a safe, secure and responsibly managed commercially active environment. 
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Cleaning & street management  

HOLBA will invest in additional daily cleaning and waste management services to maintain clean streets for the benefit of everyone. These are in addition to the basic level of services delivered by the council. 

Over the next five years HOLBA will: 

  • Provide a 7-day-a-week programme of sanitisation. 
  • Wash all street bins once a week. 
  • Remove pavement staining daily as required. 
  • Hotwash pavements and remove chewing gum daily. 
  • Remove graffiti within 45 minutes of reporting. 
  • Carry out daily street audits to identify and report issues ranging from cleaning and maintenance, dockless-bike and pedicab issues and suspicious behaviour, pursuing a response until rectified. 

Caring for the community

HOLBA will be committed to working with its partners, including the council and its front-line services, to deliver long-term solutions to people sleeping rough on the streets of the West End and to support vulnerable people out of gangs, trafficking and organised crime. 

Over the next five years HOLBA will: 

  • Support homelessness charity partner, The Connection at St Martin-in-the-Field, who provide a rough sleeping engagement programme, assisting those seeking accommodation, mental health and substance abuse support. 
  • Provide an on-street service referring vulnerable individuals to Street Link for further support and assistance. 
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Sustainable management

Over the next five years HOLBA will: 

  • Provide a preferred commercial waste and recycling supplier scheme with Veolia, maximising recycling, guaranteeing that no waste goes to landfill and minimising vehicle movements to reduce traffic congestion, delays and air pollution. 
  • Offer discounted member rates for commercial waste and recycling collection, saving HOLBA members money. 
  • Update the whole fleet of cleaning, waste and recycling collection vehicles to emit zero emissions by 2026. 
  • Support members in social value initiatives and encourage services such as the London Device Bank to reduce digital exclusion and free Wi-Fi services to reduce data poverty. 
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Resilience support

Over the next five years HOLBA will: 

  • Work with partners to deliver measures to protect members and the Leicester Square & Piccadilly Circus District from the effects of extreme weather events due to climate change. 
  • Work with specialist agencies to provide support and advice to organisations on cyber-threats and crime.