At a glance

St James’s BID will be the catalyst for positive, tangible change. 

In February 2025, Heart of London Business Alliance (HOLBA) will offer businesses the opportunity to vote on establishing St James’s as a Business Improvement District (BID). This section provides what you need to know at a glance. For more detail, please explore the rest of the site. 

A BID in St James’s will secure £17.8M of ringfenced investment, to deliver a robust five-year improvement plan for the district. This ringfenced investment is raised through an annual fixed rate levy. 

The plan has been developed by the St James’s BID Steering Committee in collaboration with HOLBA following a thorough SWOT analysis of the district and comprehensive consultation with the business and wider community. 

It will deliver a network of almost 200 businesses, a programme of projects, countless benefits and a healthy return on investment for members. 

Holba stjames


A BID in St James’s will mobilise the business community to tackle current challenges, drive future prosperity and realise its full potential as a place for culture, heritage and commerce.

Pillars & projects

A programme of projects and services will be delivered across five distinct pillars - Manage, Shape, Promote, Advocate and Support. Scroll down to get a glance. Visit the main menu Delivery, benefits & ROI section to read the full programme.

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To caretake the streets, keeping them clean, safe & attractive, elevating the experience for everyone.


  • Introduce a 24/7 private security team, safer radio network and an online crime reporting system to deter and tackle crime.


  • Provide a 7-day-a-week programme of sanitisation and pavement washing, removing stains, chewing gum and graffiti.


  • Carry out daily street audits, ensuring quick fix rates from agencies.
  • Sensitively address rough sleeping.


  • Deliver a Net Zero Toolkit including, audits and roadmapping, discounted waste and recycling services and circular economy solutions.
Visualisation Green Park Gateway High Res 1


To shape a resilient, sustainable & investable district that values the role culture & commerce play in its success.


  • Create a single vision that reflects the social, economic and environmental values and aspirations of the district.
  • Deliver a programme of public realm schemes that better promote accessibility and experience; reflect the calibre of occupants and embrace the district's distinct character.

Street improvements

  • Address priority street and infrastructure issues including improved lighting; more cycle lanes; management of dockless bikes; more planting and reduction of street clutter.


  • Work with the St James’s Conservation Trust, Neighbourhood Forum and Church to protect and restore historical and architectural assets.


  • Engage with utility companies to ensure reliable and ultra-fast broadband for the district.
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To curate a programme of standout events, experiences & campaigns that celebrate the area’s illustrious cultural offer.

Employee benefits 

  • Introduce the HOL Club - an employee privilege scheme offering exclusive experiences and discounts.

Marketing platforms 

  • Provide dedicated marketing platforms, including a marketing forum, weekly newsletter and venue hire directory.

Events & experiences 

  • Collaborate with galleries, societies, academies, institutions and wider community to programme a bespoke calendar of events and experiences that celebrate the district's rich culture and heritage.

Advertising & PR 

  • Deliver a rolling programme of advertising and PR campaigns showcasing the district at its best.


To unite & empower members to protect, defend & promote shared interests.


  • Lobby government for business rate reform; tax-free shopping; greater policing and enforcement; investment in culture; accessible, reliable and affordable transport; regulation of micro-mobility market and more transparency of net zero targets. 

Planning & licensing 

  • Address planning and licensing challenges in the district. 

A united voice  

  • Establish a single united and powerful voice for the business community to influence decisions, tackle issues and effect positive change in the district. 
Ali Adeli Jason Wiltons 6568 Final


To provide exceptional support & services that help members thrive & strengthen the community network.

Business support 

  • Act as a one-stop shop to deliver business support and a wide range of services to help members save time and money.

Data & insights 

  • Share area & real estate performance data & insights to support members in making business decisions, forward planning and investment.


  • Facilitate business introductions, networking and partnership opportunities.


  • Provide businesses with relevant information, news and alerts about what's happening in the district.
  • Promote volunteering and sponsorship opportunities.


A glance at the countless benefits a BID in St James’s will bring:

Ringfenced investment & guaranteed additional income

A coherent place plan that delivers on the vision & ambitions of the district

A comprehensive programme of tangible & transformative projects & services

An empowered business community working collaboratively for the collective good

An enhanced area experience, profile & proposition for everyone

A united & influential voice for businesses to drive positive change

Passionate, experienced leadership with an unrivalled track record of success

Partnerships, networks, economies of scale & joint procurement prospects

Opportunities to care & give back to the wider community

Return on investment

A glance at the performance of the Heart of London area over the past 5 years, versus that of St James’s (without a BID). It reveals why St James’s needs a BID and the difference it could make.

4% reduction in crime
30% increase in crime
£42M invested in projects & services
£0 invested in projects & services
£6.6M secured for street & highway improvements
£0 secured for street & highway improvements
£3.1M generated from consumer events & activations
£0 generated from consumer events & activations
£250K savings made by members via waste & recycling scheme
Standard rates paid by businesses
11K tonnes of CO₂ emissions saved via our waste management scheme
No reduction in CO₂ emissions
2K rough sleepers received help via dedicated service provider
No dedicated service provider

Make your vote count

There is a lot to be gained or lost at ballot.


Key ballot dates

Property Owner
Notice of Ballot
24 January
27 January
Ballot papers sent
7 February
10 February
Close of Ballot
11 March
12 March
Ballot result
12 March
13 March

HOLBA will support the delivery of improved cleaning, security & restoration to the public realm in the area as well as promoting sustainability initiatives to help reduce carbon emissions.

Chris Gilbert 

Director of Finance, London Library

Go to main menu to download the At a glance leaflet.